Women's Fund of Omaha
The Women’s Fund of Omaha is dedicated to improving the lives of Omaha-area women and girls.
As a trusted expert in the community, we identify critical issues, fund innovative solutions and influence dynamic change. Since our beginning in 1990, the Women’s Fund has supported local agencies with more than $1.8 million in grants for programs that address the most pressing issues as identified by our research, and we have established our own programs to meet unaddressed needs.
Relevant research examines issues such as economic conditions, challenges facing girls, domestic violence and the status of women’s leadership in Omaha. The unbiased findings are then presented to the community, along with resources necessary to facilitate positive change.
We are the only foundation that provides grants exclusively to programs for Omaha’s women and girls, and we are the leading organization researching issues concerning Omaha women and girls in order to raise awareness and drive change.
The Women’s Fund of Omaha examines issues and conducts research to provide informed support for initiatives that improve the lives of metropolitan area women and girls.