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Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
A committee of seven people drafted the constitution of and registered WCC as a society on July 1, 1985. The inaugural meeting to elect the first General Committee was held at the Women’s Institute in September 1985 with about 70 people. The first committee consisted of women from all walks of life including lawyers, clerks, teachers, lecturers and home-makers. WCC started without much funding nor space and first offered a phone line for women to call when in distress. As the number of cases increased, face-to-face counseling was offered. Today, we have a team of 15 and some 30-50 regular volunteers from different ethnic, social and professional backgrounds who work closely in all areas of outreach, services, publications and advocacy. WCC is now involved in a much wider area of work. Apart from counseling and shelter services, we conduct outreach programs in schools, colleges and community groups and also provide sexual assault victim support. Together with JAG, we actively lobby the government for better enforcement of the law and better support for victims of sexual assault. A key channel to increase public awareness is to engage the media on issues related to gender equality. WCC addresses issues related to sex trafficking.
To eliminate violence against women, empower women and children and promote gender equality and social justice
WCC envisions a society free from gender violence and discrimination where women can actualize their full potential.