Stop the Spread of Human Trafficking Myths
During the summer of 2020 many falsehoods about modern-day enslavement spread over social media. Learn why this harms the anti-trafficking movement, and how you can help stop it.
Unseen is a UK-based anti-slavery charity, founded in 2008 to work towards a world without slavery. We provide safehouses and support in the community for survivors of trafficking and modern slavery. We also run the UK Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline and work with individuals, communities, business, governments, other charities and statutory agencies to stamp out slavery for good.
We’re working to end modern slavery by empowering, equipping and influencing others to bring about positive and transformational change.
By empowering and supporting survivors through our specialist services we can enable them to recover safely and develop resilient, independent lives.
We identify key slavery and exploitation issues, and equip others with effective solutions through advice and training.
We use our experience, research and survivor stories to influence society and push for change in legislation, policy, business practice and consumer choices.
Unseen’s vision is a world without slavery. We aim to transform society’s response so all can live in a world free from such abuse and exploitation.
We hope that one day our work is no longer needed; that by working with communities, business, governments and other organisations we can stamp out slavery for good.