Watch “I Am Jane Doe”
Watch the documentary “I Am Jane Doe,” which follows the story of American middle school-aged sex trafficking victims who were exploited on website
Our curriculum, Project #ITSTOPSWITHME, can be implemented into schools, youth shelters, juvenile detention centers, youth groups, etc. It is a 4-lesson series that addresses the issues which fuel sex trafficking in America, educates students on tactics used by predators, and teaches them how they can make a difference in the fight against human trafficking. The curriculum includes revealing videos, worksheets for students, a Facilitator’s Guide, quizzes, cooperative learning strategies, and service learning suggestions. Go to our website to find out how to become a certified facilitator.
To educate young people for the sake of prevention and empower them to speak up against injustice, to mobilize the community for the purpose of Intervention and to incite a movement towards freedom for all