Mentor an "At-Risk" Child
Honor National Mentoring Month by becoming a big brother or big sister.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
For more than 90 years, UJA-Federation has been a central force for communal planning and philanthropy in the New York Jewish community. Through UJA-Federation, more than 55,000 donors pool their resources to help people in need, inspire a passion for Jewish life and learning and strengthen Jewish communities around the world — to address the issues that matter to us most as Jews and as New Yorkers. Working with nearly 100 network beneficiary agencies, synagogues and other Jewish organizations, our reach spans from New York to Israel to more than 70 other countries around the world, touching 4.5 million people each year.
We're enabling Jews to overcome crises, cope with the struggles of everyday life and achieve self-sufficiency. Our caring hand extends to those living in poverty, the aging, Holocaust survivors, children and adults with disabilities and special needs and the unemployed across the economic spectrum. We provide access to crucial human services to all New Yorkers, whoever they are, and Jews everywhere.