Volunteer at an Aftercare Shelter
Give back this holiday season by spending time volunteering at an after care shelter.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
To address the unmet and increasing needs of battered refugee and immigrant women in the metro Altanta area, advocates representing diverse ethnic communities formed a community coalition in 1996. In 1998, the coalition formally adopted the name “Tapestri” and functioned as a project of the Refugee Women’s Network. In 2002, Tapestri became its own independent organization created to address the needs of foreign-born survivors of violence. Since 2002, the organization has evolved to work collaboratively with mainstream and ethnic organizations in addressing multiple forms of gender-based violence and oppression occurring in refugee and immigrant communities. Specifically, Tapestri conducts advocacy and outreach to increase community awareness and provides streamlined access and direct services for foreign-born survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence and sexual assault. Tapestri also has a program for trafficked men.
To end violence and oppression in refugee and immigrant communities, using culturally competent and appropriate methods