Helping survivors of Human trafficking overcome the turnoil of their painful past through "branding" tattoo removal, lightneing and Cover-ups.
Our vision is to be in every major city and State by 2022. We are always on the cutting edge of tattoo removal. We currently have 2 non-laser removal methods and are connected with 63 laser removal clinics across the country.
December 1 is World AIDS Day. Today is the day we honor those who have passed on from HIV/AIDS, support those who are living with it, and renew our commitment to finding a cure or vaccine in our lifetimes. It is also a good day to remember that those most vulnerable to modern day enslavement are also at risk for HIV infection.
Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's arrest on human trafficking charges has brought this issue back into the spotlight. It is important to make sure that when discussing this case the media and private citizens use words respectful of what his alleged victims went through.