Register for the IJM Prayer Gathering
Pray, and hear testimonies about victories against modern-day slavery
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Most Americans believe that Human Trafficking is something that happens overseas; deep in third world countries, where men and women are forced into sweatshops, or perhaps they allow themselves to imagine the brothels of Southeast Asian. But people don’t associate Human Trafficking with America. Unfortunately, Human Trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children and adults is a horrific reality throughout the United States. There are an estimated 300,000 women and children currently being sold for sex in the US. (reported by the MD Rescue & Restore Coalition.) To bring this closer to home, a 2011 prostitution sting operation in Little Rock, Arkansas revealed that 50% of those arrested were either actively being trafficked or in prostitution as a direct result of being trafficked at an earlier age. PATH’s Mission PATH’s mission is to advocate on the behalf of those victimized by sex-trafficking, provide restorative care which rebuilds lives, educate our communities and provide training for those wanting to tackle slavery in our state. This is done through a number of community services with a focus on providing a safe environment for rescued victims of sex-trafficking and prostitution to heal in a residential program of restoration and community reintegration, through a variety of Christ-centered services and recovery programs, offering hope for healing, personal growth and future success. Our success depends on your involvement. Join our fight against Human Trafficking.
We advocate for individuals victimized by sex-trafficking through a variety of community services with a focus on providing a safe environment for rescued victims/survivors of sex-trafficking, sexual assault and prostitution, to help women heal in a Christ-centered program of restoration and community reintegration, and offer hope for healing, personal growth and future success. PATH provides community awareness, education, Victim Services Training and Outreach services as well as working closely with legislators to assure survivors receive the care and services they deserve in Arkansas and in other states.