Read “Not For Sale”
Read, “Not For Sale: The Return of the Global Slave Trade—And How We Can Fight It,” by David Batstone.
Since its establishment in February 1994, NANE has been maintaining an independent NGO role. The hotline, the organization's very first program, has been operating ever since, seven days a week, four hours daily. The hotline is staffed by volunteers. Volunteers have to complete our own 60-hour training course that provides theoretical and practical information necessary for hotline work, and a 20-hour practice on the hotline. The first volunteers were trained by a training teem of highly experienced American and Croatian volunteers. Currently the training course is held by our own trainers twice a year.
NANE is primarily dedicated to ending the human rights violations and the threat of violence against women (VAW) and children through advocacy, personal support services and public education. Our goal is to facilitate and promote changes in the laws and legal regulations so that they will be better able to provide legal protection for women against discrimination and violence; to facilitate and encourage the creation of presently missing protocols related to all fields of VAW; to improve legal practice so that it will stop discriminating against women; to empower women to be better able to represent their own issues and to be better able to name their realities.