Volunteer for an Anti-Trafficking Organization on International Volunteer Day
International Volunteer Day is December 5th. Honor it by volunteering for an organization fighting modern-day enslavement.
Mission for Community Development Program (MCDP) is an Ethiopian non-profit, non-religious and development-oriented NGO established in 1998 by volunteer Ethiopian professionals, with the objective to improve the living conditions of children and women through an integrated community development approach. MCDP has been undertaking a number of programs aimed at combating child labor through the creation of alternative opportunities for working children in the targeted kebeles. MCDP works with the poor in its implementation areas to contribute towards bringing a long lasting change and improvement in the lives of disadvantaged members of the community with more emphasis on children and women. The Mission for Community Development Program (MCPD) works in three woredas (districts) of Addis Ketema, in Ethiopia’s capital city, to deliver a comprehensive program of support to women who are amongst the poorest in society. Using their proven track record in community-based economic empowerment, they support the development of self-help groups and saving and credit cooperatives for targeted women. MCPD also brings knowledge about opportunities and risks associated to migration to current domestic workers through outreach in night schools and work towards the creation of a network of community-based groups and local government who will be informed and active in promoting safer migration. In addition, MCDP refers and links returnees with rehabilitation services and provide them with psychosocial support.