Plant a Memorial Garden for Victims of Modern Day Enslavement
March 12th is unofficially National Plant a Flower Day.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
MTS was conceived in 2003 when a handful of men and women met with a passion to comfort those broken by abuse. They shared a unifying and compelling conviction that Christ loves and came to heal the broken and has called His bride, the church to be His hands and feet—moving with costly compassion into places of suffering. Because there were few resources available to address the complexities of abuse and neglect, Steve and Celestia began by publishing Mending the Soul: Understanding and Healing Abuse to educate on the nature and effects of abuse and Mending the Soul Workbook to guide survivors through an interactive process of healing and forgiveness.
What began in the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona with a small group of determined people and a monthly gathering of 125 community leaders God has expanded into a global ministry that has trained thousands of community and church leaders both domestically and around the world. Today MTS creates sustainable, healing models and resources for communities and organizations that have high levels of trauma and low levels of support. MTS customizes and contextualizes community-based healing models for specific populations and various levels of need.
Equip communities worldwide to offer an educated, compassionate response to abuse and other forms of trauma so that all experience wholeness.