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See how truck drivers are joining the fight against trafficking
LFTI started in 2008 as a ministry of Life Church of Fort Collins, Colorado with a handful of volunteers. In 2011, Life for the Innocent became an official entity, and now our overseas team has full accountability with the state-side board of directors. Life for the Innocent exists to rescue, restore and renew those affected by human trafficking. We provide opportunities for innocent children affected by human trafficking to experience new life. Two interventions help us accomplish our goal: reaching children before they are trafficked and caring for children after they have been trafficked. Internationally, we identify and rescue children at risk, care for those psychologically and physically harmed and place them in loving Christian homes where they can grow and develop. Through our community outreach programs in the U.S., we aim to equip the community with the knowledge and tools necessary to end sex trafficking in the U.S.