Urge the Ohio Senate to Protect All Minor Trafficking Victims
HB 461 would bring Ohio law into compliance with federal law regarding trafficking victims aged 16 and 17.
Jubilee Campaign is a voice for those suffering in silence. We recognize the severe oppression of certain governments and life situations–especially religious oppression, trafficking, and displacement–impair a person’s ability to live in freedom. Our special roles include treasurer for the North Korea Freedom Coalition and serving on the Refugee Highway Partnership.Jubilee Campaign promotes the human rights and religious liberty of ethnic and religious minorities around the world because we value freedom and democracy and our right to choose, speak, and believe. We document human rights abuses and advocate with consultative status at the United Nations. We are active on Capitol Hill in letter writing campaigns and serving as an expert voice on religious freedom in multiple countries. Our main focus is on helping the persecuted Church body (non-denominational, pastors, clergy, cultures, etc) and ensuring that Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is upheld for all.Jubilee Campaign partners with the ministry of Reverend KK Devaraj in India to rescue victims of sexual trafficking from the brothels in the red light district of Mumbai. We helped build permanent homes in 2003 that now provide education, medical treatment (HIV/AIDS and non-HIV/AIDS children), loving care, and LOTS of prayer for these young ones. We continue to support the HIV/AIDS Jubilee IV home every year and can certainly use your support!Our work is spirit-led and constantly changing. God has given us the opportunity to serve as a voice on so many important issues and we hope that we keep seeing the opportunities he has placed in front of us. For more information, please access our website at www.jubileecampaign.org and consider donating today! 100% goes to every designated project. Your partnership helps us do meaningful work for persecuted Christians, exploited children, and refugees everywhere.
“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”