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JOY International® was founded in 1981 by Jeff Brodsky. Jeff began traveling around the world in 1981 as a good will ambassador for the disaster/relief organization, Food for the Hungry. To break language barriers Jeff would dress as his beloved character Snuggles, The Love Clown. It was during this time that he had the privilege of being invited by Mother Theresa to share his special and unique gift of JOY at The Home for Children and the Home for the Destitute and Dying in Calcutta, India.
Jeff saw firsthand her care for the poor, which had a major impact on his life. In more recent years, Jeff’s eyes were opened to a burgeoning evil against children. An evil that is an abusive exploitation of the world’s most innocent and vulnerable children. This atrocity has radically refocused his heart and the original vision of JOY International®. It is an atrocity that has quickly become a 150 billion dollar industry according to the latest United Nations Trafficking In Persons (T.I.P Report). It is the fastest growing crime in the world today of Child Trafficking or the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC).
JOY International is a global organization working to prevent the trafficking of children who are victims of commercial sexual exploitation, while providing those who are rescued a renewed hope and joy for living through Safe Havens that offer physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual restoration.
To see each child rescued from a life of slavery and experience the true JOY of reaching their greatest potential in every area of life.