Support Social Workers in the Month of March
March is Social Workers Awareness month. Celebrate by supporting social workers who combat modern day slavery.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Gracehaven was founded in 2008 to address the huge need for rehabilitation for victims of domestic minor sex trafficking or, as it is also known, commercial sexual exploitation of children.
Gracehaven realized there was a demand for services for victims of commercial sexual exploitation. We began our organization to provide a residential group home for girls under the age of 18 who are survivors, to raise awareness, to train social service providers, and to provide outreach and comprehensive case management to victims.
Gracehaven is a proud member of the Central Ohio Rescue and Restore Coalition, The Ohio Attorney General’s Study Commission on Human Trafficking and the Ohio Network of Anti Human Trafficking Coalitions. We are able to provide a wider influence on the issue of trafficking at a state and legislative level by our involvement with these groups. Our growing partnerships with local social service providers and schools is crucial to reaching victims and at risk children thanks to the work of our licensed social workers we have on staff.
"Our mission is to care for sexually exploited children by providing comprehensive client centered services.”