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Sewing New Futures helps sex trafficking survivors earn a living through selling hand-sewn products.
What began in 2008 with twelve girls is now a renowned theatre company of 170 girls and a global movement that engages audiences at the White House, United Nations, State Department, TED conferences, and in underserved communities locally and globally.
If a girl can change her own life, she can change the lives of girls everywhere. We envision a world in which every girl is valued and encouraged to be a leader and change maker. Girl Be Heard creates cutting-edge, cause-related theatre – inspired, written and performed by girls (12-21) – that is thought-provoking and actionable. Our non-profit theatre company gives voice to issues that girls care about most (such as bullying, body image, and self harm). Our company also takes on global issues affecting girls worldwide – such as sex trafficking, forced child marriage, and gender-based violence.
Girl Be Heard is a nonprofit theatre company and educational program that brings social justice issues affecting girls center stage by empowering young women to become brave, socially conscious leaders in their communities.