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Exodus Cry first started in 2008 at a time when very few people knew what human trafficking was. Benji Nolot, founder of Exodus Cry, became deeply passionate about seeing others moved from ignorance to action. With the goal of raising awareness, a small team struck out on a trip to create a video that told the stories of those trapped in the sex industry. Out of that trip the award winning documentary Nefarious: Merchant of Souls was born. After years of battling sex trafficking Exodus Cry began to discover that “trafficking,” in the classic sense, was only the tip of the iceberg. They found that the entire sex industry—comprised of prostitution, stripping, and pornography—is a system of exploitation, a place where our society’s most vulnerable are pulled into. For this reason, in addition to fighting for the freedom of sex trafficking victims, they also fight for the freedom of all who are exploited in the sex industry.
Exodus Cry is committed to abolishing sex trafficking and breaking the cycle of commercial sexual exploitation while assisting and empowering its victims. Their international work involves uprooting the underlying causes in our culture that allow the industry of sexual exploitation to thrive and helping those who have been sexually exploited.