Get the Facts About Sex Trafficking
There is a lot of misinformation about how traffickers operate.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Two decades ago, as an offshoot of ECPAT-International, ECPAT-USA became the first American non-profit to work on the issue of commercial sexual exploitation of children. ECPAT-USA started with sex tourism, helping to get legislation passed that ensured that Americans who traveled abroad to buy sex with minors could be prosecuted in the US for sexually exploiting children in other countries.
Since then, ECPAT-USA has remained focused on children, while expanding its legislative advocacy work across the 50 states. ECPAT-USA helped win passage of federal anti-trafficking legislation and assisted legislators in 5 states to pass Safe Harbor laws that protect children who have been sold into the sex trade. In addition, ECPAT-USA now promotes corporate responsibility, primarily within the tourism sector, a key part of the commercial sexual exploitation of children. ECPAT-USA’s partners include Hilton, Sabre, Delta Air Lines, Travelocity, and Wyndham Worldwide, among many others. ECPAT-USA also educates first-responders and others to better understand the issue so they can act when needed.
ECPAT-USA is different from other anti-trafficking organizations for two primary reasons. While many organizations conduct research or offer services after-the-fact, ECPAT-USAworks to stopCommercial Sexual Exploitation of Children at the source. In addition, ECPAT-USA is focused solely on children.
To protect every child’s basic human right to grow up free from the threat of sexual exploitation and trafficking. ECPAT-USA does this in four primary ways: