Learn About Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
November is Native American Heritage Month in the United States. Honor this month by learning about how human and labor trafficking affects Native American communities, particularly women.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
The Development and Education Programme for Daughters and Communities Centre in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (DEPDC/GMS) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Chiang Rai Province, Northern Thailand. The DEP, later the DEPDC, was originally founded in 1988 by Sampop Jantraka as a response to the practice of selling young children into the sex industry. It started by helping 19 girls; their program has now expanded to helping over 400 girls find alternatives to entering the sex trade. DEPDC works with community leaders to identify at-risk girls.
The projects of the association are sponsored and supported by the ILO, UNICEF, USAID, Oxfam Netherlands and others. In addition, The Thailand Project: Higher Education a Humanitarian Aid proposes to partner non-governmental organizations with American universities. The goal is to offer educational opportunities to stateless young women - like those who attended DEPDC - and thus give them the tools to return to their home country and work to combat conditions that cause child exploitation and prostitution.
To instill self confidence and positive attitudes among children as well as improve the material, social and spiritual quality of life for these children and their communities