Fight Injustice on World Day of Social Justice
Feb 20th is World Day of Social Justice (UN). Celebrate by learning how modern day abolitionists fight barriers to equality.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Ruth Elliott, a British psychologist working with young victims of sex trafficking in Cambodia, started Daughters of Cambodia in 2007. Ruth observed that almost 100% of victims rescued by force in brothel raids and placed in shelters returned to the sex industry upon reintegration because causal factors were not being addressed. Despite a strong motivation to leave sex work, they were forced back by cultural pressures to provide money for their families. Based on her experience within the culture and context, Ruth created a new model for tackling sex slavery whereby victims are empowered to set themselves free.They were invited to exit sex work voluntarily through alternative employment, along with education and application of lifestyle change within their own domestic and social lives, rather than from a shelter. Daughters of Cambodia started its work on January, 1 2007. Businesses were started to provide clients with the income they needed in order to walk away from the sex industry as well as social, therapeutic and educational programs for them to leave it behind emotionally. The Sons of Cambodia program has similar initiatives for men and is run by the Daughters of Cambodia.
To enable sex workers to exit the sex industry permanently, by providing services that empower them internally; to provide employment; to develop small businesses; to facilitate holistic recovery through treatment and care (medical, psychological and social), creative classes and life skills education; to teach girls to make and sustain healthy choices and be responsible for their lives; to achieve professionalism as an organization; and to disciple girls who become Christians to follow Jesus Christ and experience life change at the deepest levels through outworking their faith in Jesus