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Goutte d'eau Switzerland started to work in Cambodia in January 1997 under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Vocational Training and Youth (MOSVY). It assisted in building a center for vulnerable (street) children in Neak Loeung, Prey Veng Province. In January 1999, following another request by MOSVY, Goutte d'eau Switzerland started a project for the rehabilitation of substance-abusing street children in Poipet, Banteay Meanchey Province. Realizing that the Thai authorities deported several hundred trafficked Cambodian children back to Poipet every month, Goutte d'eau Switzerland started a collaboration with the IOM, UNICEF, MOSVY and other agencies to set up a structure offering support to these children. In July 2000, UNICEF requested Goutte d'eau to work with vulnerable children and their families at a resettlement area six kilometers from Poipet city. The activities at both locations in Poipet have since been expanded and consolidated. Since 2001, the program in Neak Loueng has been running independently as a local NGO registered with the Ministry of Interior. In 2003, Damnok Toek Poipet was officially registered as a local Cambodian NGO at the Ministry of Interior and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MOSVY in April 2005. The MOU was renewed in 2008. As part of Damnok Toek Cambodia, a new shelter was opened in Phnom Penh in 2003 to support children living with intellectual or physical disabilities. Most of these children were referred from the Damnok Toek centers in Neak Loeung and Poipet. In 2012, Damnok Toek Cambodia and Damnok Toek Poipet began the process required to merge into a single organization called Damnok Toek (Goutte d'eau).
To work with the most vulnerable and marginalized children and youth in Cambodia and with the support of communities, government and civil society representatives, to identify and implement responses to enhance children's access to a better futureĀ
Our vision is for vulnerable children and youth (including victims of trafficking/unsafe migration, street working and/or living children, children with disabilities and other children that have become victims of exploitation or abuse) to have the capacity and opportunities to an equal realization of their rights and access to basic needs as stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.