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Setting the Stage
Carpenter Place was born from a need created by circumstances out of families' control. A string of events beginning with the stock market crash of 1929, followed shortly by the Dust Bowl and the Dirty Thirties, and culminating in World War II, created a great need among families in the region for a stable environment to assist with their children. Families in crisis needed a place to go for help.
A Legacy BeginsOur legacy began with a family in need and a group of Christians who wanted to help.
A young mother died, leaving her husband with nine children in need of food, clothing, and care. The Riverside Church of Christ answered the need as best they could with the donation of time, money, and possessions. But, eventually, more was needed. The children, living in an unfinished one-room, one-window home with a dirt floor, began to get sick.
Ralph F. Childs and his wife, Gladys, brought the first 3 sick children into their own home. With sadness, the children's father realized he was unable to provide the care his children needed and asked the Childs to help locate a home for 7 of his children, desiring they not be separated. (One child, an infant, went to live with family. The eldest daughter was able to go out on her own.) The Riverside congregation agreed to assume costs for the care of the children and an agreement was made for the children to live with
Mrs. Ruth Garthwaite and her family, members of the West Douglas Church of Christ.
MidWest Children's Home - 1946 Before long, another family was in crisis - more room was needed. A larger house was rented at 220 West 14th Street. Early in 1946, the children’s home was offically incorporated as MidWest Children’s Home. With the ever increasing need for providing a home and necessities along with spiritual guidance, a larger, more permanent facility was needed. In 1947, the need for more space was again met by area churches of Christ, donating $18,000 to buy 40 acres of land at 13th and Meridian for a new facility.
Maude Carpenter Children's Home
Maude Carpenter, a teacher by profession and the widow of a banker from Protection, KS, had a huge servant heart for caring for children. A personal friend of Gladys Childs, Maude was introduced to the children’s home and the growing need for more space. She graciously donated $100,000 to further this good work, Because of her love and generosity, the name was changed to Maude Carpenter Children’s Home the next year and she is still honored in the Carpenter Place name to this day.
Carpenter Place Today
Though our name has changed, our focus of helping children and families in crisis remains the same. We still reside on part of the initial acreage that was purchased in 1947. The churches of Christ in the area and throughout the region continue to be some of our most loyal supporters. Our mission today is "Nurturing Deeply Hurting Girls to Restored Relationships with God, Family and Community." Thanks to the Matriarchs of our mission, as well as the countless caring individuals and supporters throughout our history, we are Rebuilding Families and Restoring Lives each and every day.