Jerome Elam

Jerome Elam was raised in the south and joined the United States Marine Corps at the age of seventeen and spent the next eight years seeing the world. After his enlistment was finished Jerome attended college and graduated to work in the Biotechnology sector. He is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and a survivor of child abuse, child sex trafficking and child pornography. He is also the child of an alcoholic and child survivor of domestic violence as well as a child of divorce. Jerome has struggled against many things in his life and somehow has found a way to survive. Writing is his passion and it keeps him in touch with the wealth everyone holds deep inside their hearts and minds. Jerome shares his experiences in the hope that those suffering in silence will find the courage to speak out and share their voices. Jerome states, “I have been blessed to have God reveal his purpose for me in saving innocent children from predators. ” Jerome is a Staff Writer and Columnist for Communities Digital News. Read my column here: A Heart Without Compromise; Advocating for Children: Stories by Jerome Elam : Contently Facebook:
Posts by Jerome Elam
March 26, 2015 Jerome Elam Story
For seven long years, from the age of five until the age of twelve, I was trafficked by a pedophile ring.