Mariah Long
Mariah was previously the Program Manager of End Slavery Now. She graduated from the University of Cincinnati's DAAP program with a degree in Digital Design.
October 20, 2014
Mariah Long
Forced Labor,
Sex Trafficking,
Bonded Labor,
Child Labor,
Forced Labor is much more rampant than sex trafficking. In fact, 65% of the world’s slaves are in a forced labor situation. [1]
90% of companies shipping shrimp to the U.S. use some type of bonded or forced labor to produce it. [2]
There are up to 200,000 children who are forced to be soldiers in the world today.[3]
Traffickers make $150 billion in profits a year. [4]
Chattel slavery didn’t end until 1981. Mauritania was the last country to outlaw it. [5]
According to the UN 46% of victims worldwide know their trafficker. [6]
The average cost of a slave today is $90. Compare that to 1809 when average the price was $40,000. [7]
400,000 men and boys are being sexually exploited globally.[8]
10% of those in forced labor are in state-imposed forms of forced labor (prisons or work imposed by the state military or armed forces). [9]
Almost half of the world’s slaves are found in India.[10]
While looking up these facts, I found out that 35 slaves work for me. How many work for you?
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Noy Thrupkaew is a global journalist that reports on human trafficking. Watch her TED talk that shares another perspective on the underlying issues that enable human trafficking.