Watch “Water”
Watch and share Water, a 2005 film that depicts forced marriage in India.
Registered in 1988, Adithi is a non-profit women’s organization working for the socioeconomic development and empowerment of resource-poor and resourceless women and girls. We achieve this through awareness generation, leadership development and livelihood and income generating programs in key economic sectors. A secondary goal is to develop replicable models and organizational methods for fostering the same. Adithi is headquartered at Patna, with project areas in different rural and urban areas in the Bihar state and the Jharkhand state. Adithi's efforts directly address child marraige, female infanticide and sex trafficking in India.
To enable the empowerment, through economic and social development, of women coming from families living below the poverty line and to achieve the elimination of hunger in some demonstration projects
A society in which women have rights over their lives and wherein the positive qualities of women and men govern the functioning of society; that the negative values of the present patriarchal society such as violence, materialism, militarization, etc. would be eliminated