Shine a Light on Slavery Day

On February 13th, 2020 the End It Movement, a "coalition of leading organizations in the fight for Freedom," is asking everyone to draw a red "X" on their hand in order to raise awareness of human trafficking modern-day enslavement. Spread the word by uploading a picture of yourself on social media with the red "X" on all your social media platforms. Don't forget to use the hashtags #endit, #enditmovement, and #endslaverynow. Click the button above for more information on getting involved. Click here to watch a film produced by the End It Movement.

In Cincinnati on February 13th? Stop by the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center which will be observing "Shine a Light on Slavery" Day with a full day of events

Forms of Abolition:

Forms of Slavery:
Domestic Servitude, Sex Trafficking, Forced Labor, Bonded Labor, Child Labor, Forced Marriage